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CoCo Williams

Well behaved women seldom make History

Coaching & Consulting with

CoCo Williams

It's already hard dealing with life and then you get hit with stress that can and sometimes trigger your trauma.
Just when you think you've got shit under control, it feels like it is just about to totally fall apart, sometimes again.
Be it your
  • re/gaining your confidence
  • re/building your professional world
  • re/discovering intimacy
  • re/dominating your life
I know and understand all too well. And it's okay, I'm here to help you re/invent your inner dominant. As a professional BIPOC Dominatrix, I want to show you some great trade secrets of dominating your best life.

Meet CoCo

Certified Bondassage Trainer & Entrepreneur

I found my sanctuary in the unlikeliest of place. My trauma that brought issues to the surface that created angst which lead me to find a community of support and discovery. Everything isn't for everybody, but everyone has a tribe. I found my tribe within the adult industry with others that understood my trauma and how to express, deal and grow through a past that I couldn't out run or get answers. 


When we're ready to move past our trauma and learn how to use it to our advantage, we can use support and guidance on that journey of growth. I'm here with a few of my friends and associates to help you live your best life.

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What I Specialize In

Start up business consulting

Website design & creation

Confidence building techniques

Set personal/

professional goals



The Mission

Traumas don't just go away, neither does support.
No matter what you've gone through or going through;
No matter what you're into or not. 
Let's turn your traumas into triumphs.
Let's make her-story in history.

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